After doing research in techniques and ideas of music videos we have recorded a list of potential clips. From the song choice we wanted to do a mix both including narrative elements and a performance based video. Firstly we started with the performance as this was the going to be our bulk/core of the video so we had to investigate how and what we would film it. This is from the post that my group has discussed as a whole regarding the potential setup of our music video. This is taken from one of our team members Matt Dickinson as well as Dominic Lake. We also had to email the management of "The Naked and Famous" to ask permission to use their song. The track we selected is called "Young Blood".
With the performance part of the video we wanted to keep it as simple as possible. As researching the instruments behind the band were very stereotypical with two guitars, a drum kits, keywords, synthesiser and a lead singer. We were thinking of finding an empty room, blacking it out and then having a single light (Maybe coloured) shining through from the background silhouetting and lighting up the band members.
Matt Dickinson created a 3D model in cinema 4D and rendered out to produce a similar reconstruction of the scene. Unfortunately the lighting isn't as realistic with a lower contrast than in real life but we can see a rough layout and style. The good thing about shooting in the dark is that the location wont have to be as important as shooting in the day time. There is also a video below of short rotation of the 3D models showing it a little clearer.
With the narrative elements and part of the video we wanted it to be quite random but sort the atmosphere and mood of the song. Therefore we were thinking of filming sequences of groups of different people and friends enjoying themselves and having edited to the music very similar to some of Calvin Harris' music videos. One idea I wanted to expand upon was a group of friends having a camp fire in a wood or field during dusk.
In the music video to "Olympic Airways" a song by The Foals there a small clip of a group of people with a bunch of black balloons in a field and then letting them drift off into the distance. This was a very clever idea that looks very appealing while suiting the style of video we want to shoot. It is also very easy to recreate and can involve or be applied to all different age groups making it a viable option.
I also really like the use of balloons in this advert by aero for their chocolate bar "Aero Bubbles". Although it has no relation to music video i think the concept is really clever and as we were planing on doing some shots based in a skatepark it maybe really cool to try and recreate this concept into the narrative. This could link into the previous scene with the group of friends in a field. We could then use balloons to create a relationship between all of the narrative clips despite them being different locations and people.
Also as we have go pro camera's we are able to film under water scenes in HD and slow motion as the camera has a frame rate of 128 which is four times better quality than a normal DLSR camera.
This idea of using bubbles in slow motion could be included if it suited the video. In conjunction we were thinking of shooting a beach scene with friends running and around on the sea front and caves so this sort of shot could be tied into that. A shot of someone diving into the water filmed from below. This could create a very cool effect especially when played in slow motion.
Proof that this sort of narrative fits style fits the music is the video (Left). This was created in final cut where we took the music video from Calvin Harris' "Feel So Close" which has the same idea of different groups of people dancing and having fun to music and then replacing the song with our music choice. Even though they are completely unrelated they fit together really well. The only parts which show the video isn't real is when the Calvin Harris sings along to his song in the video.
This is a shot which appears where the camera flys through glass and in this case a window. This would be particularly good in the intro of the song, for example where the camera could fly through a window of a car into a shot of a man tuning a radio into the song. This is created in after effects and adds a professional element to the video giving it a making the overall video look a lot more realistic. Other techniques that I personally noted can be seen on my post
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